Author Archives: glazarou

Perpetual Jones

Perpetual Jones was a short lived rock and roll experience that I was able to be a part of.  It was started initially by Rich Barbosa and Pat Schick. Later Steve Kustyn and Matt Hellow were added, and then finally I joined.

The following three tracks were from our first demo tape recorded in Red Bank, NJ in 1994.

The lyrics were written by Rich Barbosa.  The music was mostly a collaboration.

You can download the tracks by clicking the download button at the top of this page.

Stale Bread

Gods Water Fountain

Shady Tree


Big Fat Greek Spiderman

There are times in life when one has to take advantage of the circumstances simply because they will not present themselves again.  This was the case when I drove past a local theater that was showing two films with titles the didn’t fit on the sign too well.  The first was Spiderman and the second was My Big Fat Greek Wedding.  On the billboard it just read “Big Fat Greek Spiderman”.  I am of Greek descent, slightly overweight and tall, and to this day I have regrets for failing to get a Spiderman costume and standing under this sign to take a photo.